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Prices will increase to $1,497 /year soon. Join now to lock in the current price!

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*We'll refund you, no questions asked, as long as you did not consume more than 15% of the program.

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Frequently asked questions

I know nothing about business, I have zero experience

No worries! Consulting FastLane is 100% adapted for beginners, even if you have no previous experience in business, sales or marketing. Everything is explained in detail, step by step, so anyone, regardless their level of experience can follow along.

I've tried to start a consulting business before and it didn't work

Many aspiring consultants join Consulting FastLane, after having unsucessfully tried for months and years to get their business off the ground. We will give you all of the tools that you need in order to succeed, that is a guarantee. Truth is, I followed many online programs before I decided to create my own. I was amazed by some, disappointed by others, which is why I've made it my mission to make Consulting FastLane THE BEST training program in the world for consultants. And I can't do that alone. We need your feedback and your help, which is why we are always willing to take suggestions to improve the learning experience for our customers.

I don't know how to find clients

I would honestly be shocked if you don't manage to find hundreds (even thousands) of qualified leads after going through phase 5 of this program, lead generation & appointment setting. In this phase, I show you the latest and best strategies (tested and implemented by myself for my own business) to generate unlimited meetings with qualified prospects. You'll even get to steal my secret tips and tricks that I use to pre-qualify leads before they hop on a meeting with us, that way we only speak to the prospects that are the most likely to buy now, and we don't waste our time running after leads who were never going to become customers anyway!

Who is Consulting FastLane for?

Consulting FastLane is for beginners, intermeditate and even advanced consultants (or aspiring consultants!) Whether you are just starting out in the consulting industry, or whether you're already a serial entrepreneur with decades of experience, you and your business will positively benefit from Consulting FastLane in many ways!

What if I need some extra help?

If for some reason you are unable to find the help that you need in the program, then our community of dedicated consultants is here to help. And if that were not enough, you'll get 24/7 support from our support team. All you have to do is shoot us an email and we're here to get you unstuck as quickly as possible! The success of our students is the foundation of our business.

What if I'm not satisfied with Consulting FastLane?

At Consulting FastLane, we want to see every single student experience success. Our goal is to be able to take anyone from $0 to 6 figures in record time, regardless of their background or circumstances. If you run into any issues, we will do our best to help you fix them. You'll have access to 24/7 support, so you're never left to face difficulties (should there be any!) alone. Our team and our community are here to provide you with all of the tools that you need in order to succeed. However, if for some reason we are not able to fix the issues you have encountered, and you have implemented the methods and strategies that we share with you and have not been able to get the desired results, then contact our support team and we will give you a full refund (as long as you have not consummed more than 15% of the training material).

Do I get access to everything immediately if I use a payment plan?

Yes, absolutely! Even if you decide to pay using a payment plan, you will get access to all of Consulting FastLane immediately. Shortly after your purchase, you will receive an email that will give you access to the training material.

Will this work for me if I’m from a thirld world country?

Yes! The beauty of online business is that you can get customes anywhere in the world, no matter where you are. If you have access to a steady internet connection and the willingness to start your business, you can get started!

Will this work for me if I live in Europe?

Are there people or businesses in Europe? Yes! This means that you can sell them your services too. The beauty of online business is that you can get customes anywhere in the world, no matter where you are. If you have access to a steady internet connection and the willingness to start your business, you can get started!

Will this work for me if I’m a student?

Yes! No matter whether you’re a student or if you already have a career, Consutling FastLane was designed to help as many people as possible to run a profitable service-based business.

Will this work for me if I don’t have much time to work on my business every day?

Yes! Some of the people who join Consulting FastLane only have 30 minutes per day to dedicate to their business. Any progress is better than doing nothing. The course is designed specifically for you to learn and implement at your own pace.

Will I need to buy softwares to run my business?

No! Even when we mention tools or softwares, we offer free alternatives! That way, no matter your budget, you can still start your business without any hidden costs.

What if I don’t have the expertize to deliver the services to my customers?

That’s completely fine. In fact, even if you had the expertize to deliver the services to the customers yourself, we show you how you can leverage experienced but relatively inexpensive contractors so that you run your business like a true CEO, not like a glorified overworked freelancer. The market does not care about YOUR skills, all your customers care about is getting the desired outcome that they want. Who does the work is irrelevant to them.

I don’t work to work all of the time

Who says you have to work all of the time? Consulting FastLane teaches you to think and to operate like a CEO, not like a freelancer. A freelancer thinks they have to do ALL of the work themselves. They are their own boss, but they are also their own “slave”. A CEO, on the other hand, understands that he needs to surround himself with the right people to grow his company. The goal is to build a profitable online business that generates 6 figures a year while allowing you to be free, travel the world, have hobbies and free time, not to have more of a job than a job. Of course, the more effort and time you can dedicate to your business, the faster it can grow. But some people join Consulting FastLane and only have 30 mins per day to invest in building their business, yet that does not prevent them from making progress.

Will this work for me if I’m under 18?

Yes! As long as you have access to a computer/phone and a steady internet connection, and the willingness to work hard, this can work for you. Don’t let your age hold you back. Customers do not care whether you’re 15 or 25, all they care about is getting results. If anything, being younger is an advantage because you have more time to learn and perfect your craft.

My parents and friend tell me it’s too risky to start a business

How much money do your parents and friends make? Chances are, if they’re not 6 or 7 figure earners themselves, their views on money are incorrect. If the people around you are all broke, you cannot expect to take their advice yet end up successful and make a lot of money. So who are you going to listen to? The choice is yours.

Do I need to create content on social media?

Not necessarily. It’s not required that you upload content to YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or any other social media platform. You can get customers without the hassle of building a large following on social media. It does not stop people from scaling to 6 and 7 figures a year.

It’s taking too long, I’m not seeing any results

Are you following the process correctly? How much time has it been since you started your business? Results take time. It takes around 6 months to make a Rolls Royce, while it only takes 36 hours for a factory worker to build a Toyota Camry from beginning to end. Is your business a Rolls Royce or a Toyota Camry?

How long will it take to start seeing results?

That depends on many different variables. How much effort, time and focus are you putting into building your business? How dedicated and how committed are you to becoming successful? What market are you serving? For some people, it will take 2 weeks to get their first customer, while for others it will take 2 months. It is not possible to give a generic answer to everyone.

I don’t have enough time to build my business, I’m too busy

How much time do you spend watching TV / playing video games / scrolling on social media each day? Chances are, you are wasting more time in these activities than you realize. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and while some people have more or less responsabilities and obligations than others, it all comes down to your priorities. If it truly matters to you, you’ll find a way to make it happen. You’ll find the time. Some of the people who join Consulting FastLane only have 30 minutes per day to dedicate to their business. Any progress is better than doing nothing. The course is designed specifically for you to learn and implement at your own pace.

I bought courses before and didn’t get any results. How is Consulting FastLane different?

A lot of courses are only made for the benefit of the teachers, not the students. Consulting FastLane does not contain 10h long modules full of fluff to trick you into thinking you’re getting your money’s worth. The entire program is short, consice and straight to the point, and most imporantly, DESIGNED to get you REAL WORLD results. If that weren’t enough, our highly dedicated private community of entrepreneurs is here to help you grow. On top of that, our expert coaches and Fred directly answer any question you have within hours and are always there to help if you run into any problems. So it’s up to you to decide if you believe in yourself enough to commit to building the business and the life of your dreams. No one can do that for you.

A problem? Contact us !

Email: support@consultingfastlane.com

DISCLAIMER: This is not a 'get rich quick scheme'. Please understand that the resuls shown in the video are not typical. In no way am I implying you'll be able to get the same results, or any results at all for that matter. I am only using the example shown in the video for example purposes only. The results that you get will vary and depend on many different factors (including, but not limited to: your background, experience, work ethic, drivers, etc). All business entails risks, and also requires a lot of effort, work and persistence. If you are not willing to take this into consideration, please do not watch this free training as it will not serve you.

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